Appendix 6 – Current Terms of Reference for the Independent Remuneration Panel on Member Allowances




The Panel is convened under the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003. These regulations, which arise out of the relevant provisions in the Local Government Act 2000, require all local authorities to maintain an Independent Remuneration Panel to review and provide advice to their council on Members’ allowances. This allows an independent group to review and make recommendations on the appropriate levels of remuneration and expenses to Councillors who, by law, have to make a decision on the levels of remuneration and expenses they collectively receive.

The independent remuneration panel consists of four members. The panel makes recommendations and provides advice to the county council about its members' allowances scheme. Before the council makes or amends its members' allowances scheme it must have regard to, and publicise, the panel's recommendations.


Terms of Reference

(i)           To consider issues relating to Members’ remuneration and expenses;

(ii)          To consider representations;

(iii)          To make recommendations and provide advice to the County Council;

(iv)         To carry out a triennial full review of Special Responsibility Allowances;

(v)          To respond to requests to consider issues relating to the remuneration and expenses of independent and community members on relevant bodies; and

(vi)         To consider the remuneration of Councillors serving on other bodies/organisations when requested.